Strategy is the tool we use to achieve our vision. It consists of understanding our desired end-states, and the ways and means in which we bring them to reality. A strategy is far more than merely a plan, concept, or idea, but is focused on how leaders use their influence and resources to actualize their vision.
Does everyone in your organization understand your strategic priorities, and are they aligned to support them? Are you frequently spending time addressing crises that you had not anticipated? Do different parts of your organizations seem to be competing against each other, instead of your competitors? Are all of your resources marshalled to support your strategy? Do all of your subordinate groups communicate their plans and objectives to ensure they are aligned with yours? Do you understand your resource demand and capacity, and consider this as you plan short and long-term operations?
Strategy seems to be one of the most over-used, yet least understood terms in business. Our consultants bring deep experience and expertise in helping our clients better plan and execute their strategies. We are experts in helping organizations bring skills, knowledge, and processes together to develop robust strategies, sharing our knowledge from other companies and industries, and ensuring our client organizations are aligned to execute.
Once a common mission has been created, it is important for all parts of the organization to align to support it. Our team has deep experience in strategic alignment, in which the goals and strategy, organizational structure, work processes, staffing, management processes, and information architecture are aligned.